Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Balance and Revitalize your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Emotions. Connect and come into alignment with your highest self with this one hour session of intuitively guided reiki healing.
Distance and In Person sessions available
If you are seeking spiritual and holistic wellness guidance and direction, this service is for you!
In these sessions, Kelly will do a whole person assessment and spiritual energy intuitive reading coupled with Shamanic Reiki energy healing. She provides supportive counseling, guidance and recommendations for plant medicine, holistic treatments, and lifestyle changes to improve wellness and increase life force energy.
Distance and In Person sessions available
This service is for Reiki practitioners of any lineage level 1 or higher seeking a boost to your lifeforce energy. This is a one on one Usui/Holy Fire Reiki attunement and shamanic energy healing and guidance session through your chakra system. We can always realign and come back home to ourselves.
Distance and In Person sessions available
In this one hour session Kelly combines Reiki energy healing with a mix of reflexology to acupressure points on the body. This is a wonderful service to decrease stress and improve overall wellness.
Dates to be announced, join newsletter to not miss announcements
“Trust your inner guidance and follow your heart, for your soul has your blueprint and the universe has your back.”
― Hazel Butterworth
Support healthy emotional and physiological functions for optimal health and wellness.Itovi hand scans provide a report of what essential oils and supplements you are personally having the strongest response to at the time of the scan.
Written or audio provided with explanation for the choices in the blend along with insights from the energy reading
Intuitively guided energy assessment leading to the right oils to meet your needs
Blends and dilutes oils for convenient and safe use in a 10ml glass roller bottle for application.
Personal intuited blend made specifically for you with highest intention
RN Holistic wellness consultation
Combines medical and psychiatric background with holistic and spiritual background to provide a whole person assessment.
Assesses the whole person to assist in identifying wellness and life goals
Recommends a plan of care
Plant medicine, whole food nutrition supplementation, and lifestyle changes to help people achieve their highest wellness and life goals.
Massage Services
Massage Therapy & Bodywork Services available with licensed massage therapist, Ava Kline. Ava offers Swedish Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Lymphatic Massage, and Sports Massage.
The Blog
When Reiki Found Me: The Opening of the Door to Self-Discovery.
I came back home to myself in these things I loved and held dear in my heart center aligned with the rhythm of nature. I began making healthier naturally aligned choices for myself in other aspects of my life as well.