Sound Bath
Sound Bath
Relax & Experience a Meditative State of Mind with Sound Healing
Service Description
Enjoy a wonderful evening with the lovely Anne Jones bringing us her beautiful gift of sound healing via a group sound bath experience. You will be bathed in sound waves from various instruments such as crystal sound bowls, Tibetan sound bowls, drums, rain sticks, rattles, chimes, and other instruments. Sound baths are a beautiful way to relax and experience a meditative state of mind. The vibrations aren’t necessarily organized like a composed piece of music, they’re more like slow and repetitive sounds full of healing vibrations. Something called sympathetic resonance actually occurs in your body while the vibrations emanate from the bowls. The bowls, in particular are associated with each main energy center in the human body, aka chakras. Lots of things can happen throughout each day, causing our energy to become off balance. “I can’t meditate. I’ve tried and my mind just runs away with thoughts!” That’s okay! A sound bath is actually perfect for people that struggle to meditate. Listening to the sounds during a sound bath DO take your mind on a journey, and it’s totally okay to follow that journey. When you are in a waking mind state, your brain is in beta brainwave state. When you listen to a sound bath, your brainwave state naturally shifts into what’s known as theta brainwave state. Theta is the measurable brainwaves for meditation. Each of us spend at least twice a day naturally in theta brainwave state. Just as you are waking up in the morning, and just as you fall asleep at night, you are in theta state. The more time spent in theta, the better! It gives you a sense of peace and calm and regulates your nervous system. If any of this is calling to you, I encourage you to give it a try! Sound baths are a beautiful and easy way to find peace, regulation and relaxation. .
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
No shows & all cancellations for group classes are non-refundable as there is limited availability.
Contact Details
1 Main Street, Bellwood, PA, USA